Cherry Blossom Season: Spring in South Korea

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While Japan is well-known for its iconic cherry blossom season, South Korea also has a robust cherry blossom tourism scene. We highly recommend exploring spring in Korea during peak cherry blossom season!

The window for cherry blossoms is short, only about two weeks in March to April so we recommend checking local conditions before you go.

During cherry blossom season, the streets and parks of South Korea are filled with the beautiful pink and white blossoms. The most popular places to see cherry blossoms are in Seoul, Busan, Jeju Island, and Gyeongju. There are also a number of rural locations that also have these trees and are likely less crowded. The above picture was taken in Jochiwon, South Korea near the stream in the local park, which is accessible via an hour and a half train ride from Seoul. Many parks, temples, and historical sites in these areas have cherry blossom trees that attract crowds of people.

One of the most popular places to see cherry blossoms in Seoul is Yeouido Park. The park has more than 1,800 cherry blossom trees and is considered one of the best spots in the city to see the blossoms (but again, crowded!). There are also several festivals and events held in the park during the cherry blossom season.

In Busan, the most popular place to see cherry blossoms is at Haeundae Beach. The beach has cherry blossom trees along its promenade, and visitors can enjoy the blossoms while taking a stroll along the beach.

Jeju Island is also a popular destination during cherry blossom season. The island is home to many parks and gardens that have cherry blossom trees, and visitors can enjoy the blossoms while taking in the island's beautiful scenery.

In Gyeongju, visitors can see cherry blossoms at the Bomun Lake area, which is home to many cherry blossom trees. The area is also home to many historical sites, such as temples and tombs, which make for a great combination of history and nature.

Cherry blossom season in South Korea is a magical time of the year when visitors can enjoy the beauty of nature and experience the culture of the country. It's a great time to visit South Korea and explore the many parks, gardens, and historical sites that the country has to offer.

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